Best Practices for FAA-Compliant Aerospace Manufacturing

In an industry where precision and reliability are non-negotiable, as an aerospace manufacturer, you need to be at the top of your game. This involves more than just meeting FAA regulatory standards–it requires creating a culture that prioritizes quality at every level of the organization. From implementing robust quality management systems to fostering an employee culture that values company growth, you have a unique set of challenges and opportunities.
In this article, we dive into the best practices for aerospace manufacturers, providing insights on how to enhance quality management, cultivate a dedicated workforce and further optimize your operations in aerospace manufacturing.

Quality Assurance Audits
Regularly conducting third-party audits is an effective way to ensure you have the highest quality and compliance standards in your operations. Independent auditors can review workflows, identify weaknesses and recommend corrective measures, providing an unbiased perspective that internal audits may overlook.
It’s also important to note that the quality of aerospace products heavily depends on the quality of components and materials supplied, making stringent supplier evaluation and monitoring processes crucial. Regular audits and performance reviews of suppliers help maintain high standards and reduce the risk of nonconformance.
Integrating Proper Training
By enabling employees with the proper training, you not only give them the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, but you’re also making a smart investment. A study in Washington State found that every $1 invested in aerospace training returned $15, highlighting the significant financial benefits of proper training.
Additionally, the Aerospace Industries Association warns of a gap in STEM education among new workforce entrants, emphasizing the urgent need for ongoing training to replace a retiring generation.

Continuous Improvement
With the increasing demand for efficient and sustainable aircraft, continuous improvement strategies are essential to enhance productivity, reduce costs and increase efficiency within your operations.
These strategies involve systematic approaches to analyzing processes, identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes to boost performance. Innovations like additive manufacturing, automation and digitalization have revolutionized aerospace manufacturing, enabling the creation of complex parts and integrating data for better outcomes.
It’s also important to note that working to continuously improve your operations helps you to remain competitive in the dynamic aerospace industry. A smart way to do this is by Implementing a robust corrective and preventive action (CAPA) system. These systems are crucial for identifying root causes of issues and developing effective solutions.

Adhering to Management Standards
Working in the aerospace industry, you must prioritize quality practices to ensure product safety and longevity. Quality management can be exceptionally complex, aiming for efficient processes, high-quality components and assemblies, compliance with industry standards, continuous improvement and increased customer satisfaction.
Therefore, aerospace manufacturers should not view quality management merely as a formality for industry survival. Adhering to AS9100 standard is of the utmost importance for FAA manufacturers. This standard helps manufacturers and distributors adopt best practices for quality management, ensuring consumer safety and high operational standards.
At R.S. Hughes, our Quality Management System (QMS) adheres to AS9120 standards through a rigorous set of processes, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations while continuously improving the quality of our operations and our customers’ satisfaction. AS9120 sets the framework for creating a QMS specifically for aviation, space and defense distributors.
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