Taking Pride Makes the Difference

Contributed by Bobby Redd, R.S. Hughes Director of Customer Care, 15 years

Developing Relationships

When I first started with R.S. Hughes 15 years ago, I found myself in a pretty unique position. I was part of the Portland team which, included four people with 100 years of combined experience working for the company. I was incredibly fortunate to learn from them. Their knowledge and training truly helped shape my career.

That’s what has kept me with R.S. Hughes all these years and what I’ve grown to love about the company–the people. I’ve developed great working relationships that have turned into friendships. That sense of camaraderie has been a central part of my success.

Taking Pride in My Work

One story that sticks out from my time in Portland involved a specific customer who painted airplanes. They operated 24/7, and every so often, they’d make a mistake that required urgent attention. I can’t tell you how many times I’d be on the treadmill on a Saturday, get a call from them, have to drop everything, head to the office, stock my car with the supplies they needed and then personally deliver it.

Those little moments of going the extra mile not only built lasting relationships with customers but also demonstrated the commitment we have as a team.

There’s a sense of pride in what I do and in my career as a whole. I want to be successful not only for myself but also for my peers. Demonstrating leadership and setting a positive example has always been important for me.

How R.S. Hughes Helps Me Succeed

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have many leaders who became role models for me. Watching and learning from them has had a such an impact.

One thing that stands out about R.S. Hughes is the open-door culture. I can easily pick up the phone and call someone like John Mathis to bounce ideas off or seek leadership advice. Marc Eddings, who hired me back in 2009 and was my manager for over a decade, has been an incredible role model, too. He’s always been someone I could talk to after hours or get advice from.

Advice For Anyone Joining R.S. Hughes

To put it simply, we’ve got a lot of moving parts and we’re all juggling multiple priorities. It’s crucial to know how to prioritize effectively, but equally important is maintaining a sense of urgency and pride in what you do for the customer.

When a customer has a hot order, don’t treat it like just any other task. Sometimes, you need to shift focus, drop what you’re doing and put your attention on what is urgent. A strong sense of urgency and pride in your work can make all the difference, and when everyone embraces that mindset, we are all more successful.

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